SolarEdge ONE
Battery Modes

Choose the battery mode that’s best for you

Customized Battery Settings

Business the
smart way

Choose the battery mode that best suits your needs

Your battery just got smarter 

SolarEdge ONE offers AI-powered battery modes that intelligently decide when to use solar power, store it for later, or tap into the grid – all to maximize your savings, backup duration, and energy independence.

How does it work? 

Choose a battery mode

Whether you want to maximize using your own solar power, save stored energy for expensive peak hours, or prioritize reliable backup power, the SolarEdge battery modes meet your energy needs and utility plan.

Find out more

SolarEdge ONE works for you

SolarEdge ONE’s AI algorithms go beyond automation. This system analyzes your home's consumption and solar production patterns and then seamlessly optimizes your battery usage based on your chosen mode.

Enjoy optimized energy

Unlike one-size-fits-all systems, SolarEdge's battery intelligence ensures you can get the most out of your solar investment, reducing your dependence on the grid and saving money on your energy bills.

A Battery Mode for Every Household:

Time of Use Dynamic Rate

Time of Use Peak Hour

Save more on your electricity bills
Increase your energy savings and reduce grid 
import during peak-rate hours by using available solar  
and stored energy. 

What does this mode do?
Automatically charges the battery from solar and/or from the grid during off-peak hours when energy prices are low, to provide power during peak-rate hours.

When to select this mode
Opt for this mode if you are enrolled in a time-of-use peak rate pricing plan. In such plans, prices are set in predetermined blocks throughout the day (e.g., peak, off-peak, shoulder).

How to set up Peak Rates?


Time of Use Dynamic Rate

Time of Use Peak Hour

Save more on your electricity bills
Increase your energy savings and reduce grid 
import during peak-rate hours by using available solar  
and stored energy. 

What does this mode do?
Automatically charges the battery from solar and/or from the grid during off-peak hours when energy prices are low, to provide power during peak-rate hours.

When to select this mode
Opt for this mode if you are enrolled in a time-of-use peak rate pricing plan. In such plans, prices are set in predetermined blocks throughout the day (e.g., peak, off-peak, shoulder).

How to set up Peak Rates?


Time of Use Dynamic Rates

Time of Use Dynamic Rates*

Thrives on real-time electricity pricing
Optimize your savings and energy utilization by responding in real-time to electricity rates that rapidly change throughout the day.

What does this mode do?
In this mode, the system automatically charges and discharges the battery based on hourly rate fluctuations, ensuring that you buy low and sell high.

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you are enrolled in a time-of-use dynamic rate pricing plan.

*Dynamic rate mode is available for selected European countries based on wholesale market trends provided by ENTSO-E*

How to set up Dynamic Rates?
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Time of Use Dynamic Rates

Time of Use Dynamic Rates*

Thrives on real-time electricity pricing
Optimize your savings and energy utilization by responding in real-time to electricity rates that rapidly change throughout the day.

What does this mode do?
In this mode, the system automatically charges and discharges the battery based on hourly rate fluctuations, ensuring that you buy low and sell high.

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you are enrolled in a time-of-use dynamic rate pricing plan.

*Dynamic rate mode is available for selected European countries based on wholesale market trends provided by ENTSO-E*

How to set up Dynamic Rates?
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Maximize Self Consumption

Maximize Self Consumption

Go green and increase energy independence  
Minimize reliance on the grid while maximizing solar usage whenever possible. It's the most effective mode to increase energy independence.

What does this mode do?
This mode prioritizes using solar energy to power your household and charge your battery, regardless of utility rates.

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you are enrolled in fixed-rate electricity plans or if you want to prioritize clean energy.

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Maximize Self Consumption

Maximize Self Consumption

Go green and increase energy independence  
Minimize reliance on the grid while maximizing solar usage whenever possible. It's the most effective mode to increase energy independence.

What does this mode do?
This mode prioritizes using solar energy to power your household and charge your battery, regardless of utility rates.

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you are enrolled in fixed-rate electricity plans or if you want to prioritize clean energy.

Learn more >

Manual Control

Manual Control

Customize your battery 
Manage your battery manually to match your energy needs and preferences.

What does this mode do?
In this mode you manually set the battery charge and discharge schedules

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you would like to set your battery’s charge/discharge schedule.

Manual Control

Manual Control

Customize your battery 
Manage your battery manually to match your energy needs and preferences.

What does this mode do?
In this mode you manually set the battery charge and discharge schedules

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you would like to set your battery’s charge/discharge schedule.

Backup Only

Backup Only*

Enjoy longer-lasting backup power
Keep your battery fully charged for the next power outage, so you have maximum readiness, keeping your home on when the power goes out.

What does this mode do?
In this mode the battery power is reserved solely to provide backup power during outages.

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you want to use your battery exclusively for power outages.

*This mode is available for households with SolarEdge Home Batteries and a Backup Interface.

Learn More > 

Backup Only

Backup Only*

Enjoy longer-lasting backup power
Keep your battery fully charged for the next power outage, so you have maximum readiness, keeping your home on when the power goes out.

What does this mode do?
In this mode the battery power is reserved solely to provide backup power during outages.

When to select this mode
Choose this mode if you want to use your battery exclusively for power outages.

*This mode is available for households with SolarEdge Home Batteries and a Backup Interface.

Learn More > 

* Battery mode availability changes per region and country. Please check which modes are available in your region with your local installer.