Public Buildings

Sustainable cities powered with energy intelligence

1.63mw Venco Campus Netherlands installed by Alius Energy

Public Buildings

Sustainable cities powered with energy intelligence

Reduce energy costs and show commitment to sustainability with solar energy from rooftops or above parking lots of public buildings such as government and municipal buildings, schools, universities, and hospitals. SolarEdge’s PV, EV charging, storage and energy optimization solution maximises energy production and consumption and enhances public safety.

Designed to safeguard the public

Embedded safety features mitigate hazards to protect the solar assets on the roofs of public buildings and the people under the roof.

Comprehensive energy solutions—a wise use of taxpayer funds

Maximise energy production while minimising energy costs, emissions, and maintenance expenses. Enable efficient solar energy usage through the night for EV charging or ensuring uninterrupted power supply when needed in hospitals for example.

Cyber-securing sensitive data in public domains

Robust cybersecurity framework designed to ensure data integrity and protect against cyber breaches attempting to infiltrate IT systems. Protect sensitive government and municipal information, as well as private medical and educational records, and financial transaction data.

480.5kw Edison High School Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, installed by C2 Energy Capital

480.5kw Edison High School Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, installed by C2 Energy Capital

480.5kw Edison High School Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, installed by C2 Energy Capital

480.5kw Edison High School Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, installed by C2 Energy Capital

The SolarEdge solution for public buildings includes PV harvesting on the roof or above outdoor parking lots, EV charging, energy storage and energy optimisation—all from a single vendor, to maximise efficiency.

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Case Studies