Safety first with SolarEdge

Protecting Your People and Property

A secure working environment is crucial for the wellbeing of your people, property, and assets. Real-world tested for over a decade on commercial roofs around the globe, our multilayer safety features meet – and often exceed - the industry’s highest standards, as well as stringent insurance requirements.

Over 50% of Fortune 100 companies trust SolarEdge Technology on their rooftops.


Safety first with SolarEdge

Protecting Your People and Property

A secure working environment is crucial for the wellbeing of your people, property, and assets. Real-world tested for over a decade on commercial roofs around the globe, our multilayer safety features meet – and often exceed - the industry’s highest standards, as well as stringent insurance requirements.

Over 50% of Fortune 100 companies trust SolarEdge Technology on their rooftops.


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Going with SolarEdge Commercial is like having an insurance policy on your roof. There are not many other solutions out there that meet the necessary requirements—SolarEdge exceeds those requirements to ensure that anyone on the roof is safe. Personally, I’m not going to go out on a roof unless it’s got SolarEdge-level safety.
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David Wolfert
/ VP of Engineering & Safety, EDP Renewables
PV self consumption

Why we choose SolarEdge?

Photovoltaic self-consumption in the commercial and industrial sectors

PV self consumption

Why we choose SolarEdge?

Photovoltaic self-consumption in the commercial and industrial sectors

Safety Innovations

Prevention. Detection. Mitigation. 

We believe that achieving comprehensive PV safety requires an integrated, multilayered approach. Our safety features are built-in, not added-on third party products. SolarEdge ground-breaking SolarEdge safety innovations include:  


SafeDC™ is a built-in module-level safety feature that minimises the risk of electrocution from high DC voltage. It ensures DC voltage is reduced to touch-safe levels when the inverter is shut down, within up to five minutes, enabling safe maintenance and emergency intervention. 


Rapid Shutdown

Rapid shutdown allows fast discharge of conductors to 1 V, within 30 seconds. The power in the modules and string wires are automatically reduced so firefighters or first responders can work safely during daylight.

Rapid Shutdown

Arc Fault Detection and Prevention

Arc fault detection and prevention mitigates the effects of arcing faults that may pose a risk of fire under certain conditions. Electric arcs are detected and terminated through automatic inverter shutdown for string lengths up to 400m.  SolarEdge three phase inverters complies with IEC 63027 – PV power systems – DC Arc detection and interruption.

Arc Fault Detection and Prevention logo

Sense Connect: Built-in Temperature Monitoring

Issues may arise due to poor installation, faulty strings etc. Resulting in real danger, with Sense Connect thermal sensors proactively monitor and detect faulty wiring that can potentially cause overheating connections or electric arcs.


Built-in Temperature Monitoring logo

Module-Level Monitoring

Module-level monitoring provides real-time insight that acts as an early-warning system with automatic alerts and notifications on system issues. Preventative maintenance using remote diagnostics can be performed well in advance of any significant event. It’s easy to access from a computer, smartphone or tablet.

Modul-level Monitoring logo

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