Popular Scenic Reservoir in Taiwan now includes 13.7MW SolarEdge System

Built-In Safety Provides Peace of Mind at Tourist Site
SolarEdge multilayer safety features safeguard boat tours, fishermen, and service and emergency crews. The DC voltage output of each module is reduced to a touch-safe level during corrective maintenance or in an emergency event, while arc fault detection minimizes other electrical risks.
Harnessing Maximum Power From Every Module
Typical to floating PV, shifting module angles and partial shading from clouds and aquatic bird droppings negatively impact energy production. SolarEdge Maximum Power Point Tracking mitigates module-level mismatch and associated energy losses, enabling each module to perform at its maximum potential increasing energy output over the system’s lifetime.
Overcoming Maintenance and Weathering Challenges
SolarEdge’s Monitoring Platform provides maintenance personnel with real-time system performance analysis, and the ability to pinpoint faults remotely down to the module level. This can reduce service visits, enabling more efficient O&M at sites only accessible by boat. SolarEdge’s inverters and Power Optimizers are ammonia-resistant and dust and waterproof certified, maintaining high efficiency in high-humidity environments.

SolarEdge’s commercial floating PV solution, by enhancing energy production and reducing operation and maintenance costs, maximizes ROI for the system’s owners and investors, enabling them to earn 20 years of FiT revenue. This type of innovative solar energy installation also helps the Taiwanese government to generate clean energy and meet renewable energy targets.