Maximise energy production and streamline the installation and maintenance of Floating PV power plants deployed on lakes, fishponds, irrigation reservoirs and hydroelectric dams. Minimise potential electrical risks in aquatic environments through the use of embedded safety features.
Increased water-based solar production
SolarEdge’s Module Level Power Electronics (MLPE) technology increases energy yields by ensuring that underperforming panels don’t affect the rest of the panels in the same string. This is particularly crucial in areas with water movement, bird droppings, and fluctuating temperatures.
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Minimise risk on floating PV plants
Embedded safety features for prevention, detection and mitigation of electrical hazards reduce the risk of electrocution and arcing. These advanced measures meet stringent regulatory and insurance standards for safety.

17MW Linbian Township, Taiwan, installed by INA Energy

17MW Linbian Township, Taiwan, installed by INA Energy