NEM 3.0

for Installers

All you need to know to grow and help CA homeowners

NEM 3.0 for Installers

NEM 3.0 for Installers

All you need to know to grow and help CA homeowners

Get ahead of NEM 3.0 and stay ahead

NEM 3.0 encourage homeowners and businesses to install a battery with their PV to maximize savings. To continue to grow your business, it is crucial to start selling solar + storage now and educate customers on the many benefits of self-consumption in the new NEM 3.0 world.

Win With SolarEdge Technology Find out more

Win today – and keep winning in NEM 3.0 – with SolarEdge Home’s DC-optimized technology.

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Get up to speed on SolarEdge Home Battery—commission in an hour or less and be done in a day.

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What Changed under NEM 3.0?


  • California export rates have been reduced
  • True Up Bills are monthly - not annually
  • Export rates are based on hourly values that vary by month and day of the week
  • Export adders are included for PG&E & SCE based on year of interconnection for 9-year term
  • Oversizing permitted by no more than 50% of previous 12 months’ usage


Who is Impacted by NEM 3.0?
Primarily California customers serviced by:

  • Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
  • Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)

California system owners with interconnection applications submitted after April 14, 2023

nem3 installer

What Changed under NEM 3.0?


  • California export rates have been reduced
  • True Up Bills are monthly - not annually
  • Export rates are based on hourly values that vary by month and day of the week
  • Export adders are included for PG&E & SCE based on year of interconnection for 9-year term
  • Oversizing permitted by no more than 50% of previous 12 months’ usage


Who is Impacted by NEM 3.0?
Primarily California customers serviced by:

  • Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
  • Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)

California system owners with interconnection applications submitted after April 14, 2023

SolarEdge Home: Deliver More Power to More Places

Ensure more power for your California customers every day, and in an outage, with the complete SolarEdge Home smart energy ecosystem. Featuring record-breaking efficiency, they'll maximize savings now, in NEM 3.0, and beyond.​

More About SolarEdge Home

SolarEdge Home Hub Inverter​

Give your customers up to 10 days of extra power with record-breaking efficiency

SolarEdge Home Battery​

Help ensure up to 30% more power every day and when it's needed most​

​SolarEdge Home EV Charger​

Enable your customers to fuel up to 25% faster by connecting our Level 2 EV charger ​


Get system owners excited to control their entire ecosystem through one app.​

Everything You Need To Know About NEM 3.0

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What is NEM 3.0?​

NEM 3.0 is a new version of the net energy metering (NEM) billing structure that went to effect April 14th, 2023, in California, enabling utilities to reduce homeowner export rates

How will NEM 3.0 impact my business?

NEM 3.0 encourage homeowners to install a battery with their PV to maximize savings. To continue to grow your business, it is crucial to start selling solar + storage now and educate customers on the many benefits of self-consumption in the new NEM 3.0 world.

Will NEM 3.0 impact my customers with existing solar systems?​

No. All systems with an approved interconnection application submitted to the utility by April 14th will remain under their current structure.​

How will battery benefit my NEM 3.0 customers?​

NEM 3.0 incentivizes homeowners to export to the grid from a battery during certain times of the year. Homeowners are also incentivized to maximizeSelf-consumption as much as possible.​

Can customers enrolled in NEM 3.0 still export energy back to the grid? ​

Yes. However, their rate of compensation will be reduced​

Are there system size limitations under NEM 3.0?​

Yes. You may only oversize systems up to 50% greater than their previous 12 month’s energy usage.​

How often will the export rates be updated?​

The Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) will be updated every two years. 

Is there an additional grid access fee homeowners have to pay under NEM 3.0?​

There is no additional access fee outside of the standard $10-15 monthly access fee that exists currently. ​

How are utilities incentivizing battery installs?​

PG&E and SCE are offering homeowners monetary incentives on top of the standard export rate for up to 9 years. These "adders" will vary among utilities, income brackets, and will decrease over the years.​

Do customers get adders by default, or do they need to apply for them?

Assuming the system meets the NEM 3.0 requirements, homeowners will receive the adders automatically.​

If the system changes ownership, can the new owner reapply for adders?​

They cannot, the adders only apply to “the customer that originally causes the system to be installed”

How will True Up Bills be affected?​

Under NEM 3.0, True Up Bills are monthly, not annually.​

If a NEM 1.0 or 2.0 system changes ownership, will it move to NEM 3.0?​

No, the system remains under its original interconnection agreement.

What is SolarEdge Home?​

It is an industry-leading, solar-powered smart energy ecosystem – with connection to battery, EV charging and more.
See how you can deliver more power to more places at less cost to your business - here