Manufacturing Plant Cuts Electricity Costs by ~30% with SolarEdge

At a Glance:
- EPC: Sao Nam Integrated Technology
- Installation date: November 2020
- Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Installed Capacity: 923kW
- Modules: 2,300 Leapton Solar
- Power Optimizers: 1,150 x P801
- Inverters: 9 x Three Phase Inverters with Synergy Technology
- Accessories: 1 Energy Meter with Modbus Connection

Tu Minh Hoang
/ General Director of Alta Company JscAlta’s objective was to maximize their energy output while ensuring they met Vietnam’s FiT program regulations to export unused PV energy to the grid for revenue. SolarEdge’s DC optimized inverter and Power Optimizer solution ensures that each module produces at its maximum, enabling the system to produce more solar energy and accelerate ROI.

Export Limitation and FiT Monitoring
Alta also installed a SolarEdge Energy Meter with Modbus Connection to ensure that PV power produced during the week could be used for self-consumption, while power produced on holidays or when the plant is closed can be exported directly to the grid. They can use the SolarEdge Monitoring Platform to monitor the percentage of power consumed vs. exported to the grid and even remotely shutdown to prevent overloading.