Solar for Retail Stores

Empowering Retailers with a 
Full Cart of Solar Benefits

Rooftop Solar Retail

Solar for Retail Stores

Empowering Retailers with a 
Full Cart of Solar Benefits

SolarEdge solutions for harvesting solar energy from roofs and parking lots, storage, EV charging, and energy management, are designed to maximize electricity cost savings, reduce carbon footprints, enhance customer appeal, and create new revenue opportunities.

Maximize Efficiency of Solar for Retail

SolarEdge ONE for Enterprise, our intelligent energy optimization platform* manages energy production, consumption, and storage, allowing for real-time identification of energy inefficiency, and actionable insights to maximize savings. It also monitors how much energy is consumed by the store’s lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration systems.

Designed for Safety and Cybersecurity

Embedded, multilayered safety and cybersecurity mechanisms, designed to enhance smooth business continuity, and provide comprehensive protection against potential risks to customers, staff, suppliers, merchandise, and data integrity.

Boost Brand Attraction with Solar-Powered Charging

Offer solar-powered EV charging to demonstrate your sustainability commitment, boost customer experiences, keep shoppers in the store, and generate additional revenue.

500 kW_Supermarket Chain_Mexico_installed by Ecopulse

500 kW Supermarket Chain Mexico installed by Ecopulse

500 kW_Supermarket Chain_Mexico_installed by Ecopulse

500 kW Supermarket Chain Mexico installed by Ecopulse

Explore Commercial Products

The SolarEdge solution for solar-powered retail stores includes rooftop solar or carports, EV charging, energy storage and energy optimization—all from a single vendor, to maximize efficiency.

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Case Studies

Top Supermarket Stocks Up on Solar, Saves $75K in Electricity Bills Read more

SolarEdge Rooftop System, Installed by Ecopulse, Helps Mexico Grocery Chain Reduce Item Prices.

Vincent Cunaud

“We are a public serving establishment, and we must have solutions that are safe. SolarEdge developed technologies where malfunctions can be detected before they become significant.” 

Vincent Cunaud, Owner of Super U Beaune-La-Rolande and Ile d’Yeu, France

Vincent Cunaud

“We are a public serving establishment, and we must have solutions that are safe. SolarEdge developed technologies where malfunctions can be detected before they become significant.” 

Vincent Cunaud, Owner of Super U Beaune-La-Rolande and Ile d’Yeu, France

*Available to qualified customers